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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Dutch Captain: Cornelis van den Heuvel.

Cornelis van den Heuvel served the Admiralty of Amsterdam. In 1673, he was second captain of Cornelis Tromp's flagship, the Gouden Leeuw. He rowed with Tromp, first to the Prins te Paard, and then to the Amsterdam. In 1674, he commanded the Steenbergen (68 guns), in Tromp's fleet that operated on the French coast. Andrew says that in "1676 he again served under Tromp and commanded the ship Waesdorp (68 guns, 268 men) in his fleet in the Baltic Sea. He fought at the Battle of Oland (June 1676) and in the operation near Rugen (Aug. 1676). Sources:
  1. Lambertus van den Bosch, Leven en Bedryf van den Vermaarden Zeeheld, Cornelis Tromp, 1692.
  2. J. R. Bruijn, De Oorlogvoering ter zee in 1673 in Journalen en Andere Stukken, 1966.
  3. Personal communication from Andrew C.

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