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Sunday, August 15, 2004

For the first time in ages, I am using "destination points"

For a long time, I have been strictly steering groups of ships, using the helm. I am finding, though, that when I have multiple groups of ships, geographically separated, the only reasonable way to have control is to use destination points. I am using one point, that I keep shifting, for the main English body (at the Battle of the Smyrna Convoy) and another for the reinforcements.
After chasing the Dutch convoy, almost to the edge of the map, the main body caught them, and started to "write off" the Dutch ships. All of a sudden, though, the Resolution surrendered. They did succeed in causing the largest Dutch merchantman (40 guns) to surrender, as well.
Now, the St. Michael and Cambridge surrendered, as well. The Cambridge sank almost immediately. The Utrecht is really savaging the surviving English ships. The time is 8:35pm, and it is very dark.
At 9:25pm, the Dutch are savaging the reinforcements. The Gloucester is the only English ship left. The battle is over, as the Gloucester surrendered (after 10pm). The Dutch, under AI control really slammed the English attackers. I think that much of the problem is that the English crews were so bad. They are not so bad as I had them ("bad"), but they are bad enough ("poor"). I need to decide if I should improve the English crews, or leave them as they are.

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